State of Digital Transformations Worldwide 2020

Access data-driven insights in our report

What Makes a Digital Champion?

While digital transformations have some common themes across the globe, organizations now find themselves at different stages in terms of their respective digital transformation journeys and pondering how successful they’ve been with their efforts.

To better understand this, as well as how the most successful organizations have arrived to where they are today, we conducted research to gather and analyze more than 9,000 responses from 5000+ companies worldwide across 20 industries. Our intent is to help IT decision-makers understand the strategies and best practices in execution that separate what we call “digital champions” — the 7% of organizations that are achieving powerful results — from the other 90%+.

Digital Transformation Data Collected From Thousands of Business and IT Decision Makers Globally

Copyright © 2022 Trianz

What is Digital Transformation?

Our data has shown that more than 50% of IT managers believe that digital transformation refers to updated websites and portals, which could not be further from the truth.

Trianz’s definition of “digital transformation” is the reimagination of a company’s portfolio of products and services to create exceptional customer and stakeholder experience chains. In other words, digital transformation aims to empower enterprises with a data-driven strategy to effectively engage customers, gain a competitive advantage, and transform IT infrastructure to accelerate growth and reduce costs.

Defining Digital Transformations

Defining Digital Transformations Graphic depicting digital technologies and human capital function

Copyright © 2022 Trianz

Key Insights in the Report

  • A shared definition of digital transformation as envisioned and implemented by decision-makers at the organizations considered to be digital champions

  • How to establish a framework and success model for developing a vision, strategy, priorities, and execution techniques based on what digital champions achieve

  • The most important highlights of the current state of digital transformation globally by industry, business, and IT function

  • Key considerations for boards, CEOs, and business and IT leaders on how to approach digital transformation in their respective roles

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quote Digital transformation is just not limited to the adoption of emerging technologies. Rather, it involves fusing transformative human capital, business processes, and technology capabilities backed by data-driven insight to ensure progressive business outcomes and value accretion for all stakeholders.


Experience the Trianz Difference

Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology experiences and execution models.

Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.




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