Expedite Secure Remote Working Implementation

As organizations adjust to the new imperative of remote working, they are increasingly contending with potential data breaches, identity fraud, and other cybersecurity challenges. With the new reality of long-term remote work arrangements, there is a growing need for advanced safeguards against cyberattacks and data breaches.

Organizations need a comprehensive, secure remote working solution for challenges like:

  • Keeping employees productive, collaborative, and engaged

  • Offering 24/7 safe access to apps and data, remotely

  • Ensuring secure and easy connectivity to audio/videoconferences

  • Ensuring continuity of the entire value chain

Remote digital workplace solutions can speed up the security of your data and IPs and systematically bolster organizations’ operational resilience.

Do You Need Secure Remote Working Solutions?

Remote employees can unknowingly put your company’s data at risk. Here are the top five cybersecurity risks seen as a direct result of remote working:


Phishing Schemes

Without proper guidance, policies, or information, employees working remotely can end up giving hackers and cybercriminals access to your network and your company's sensitive data.

Phishing schemes – where a person or entity posing as a legitimate source, usually over email, to trick into providing personal log-in credentials or sensitive information – are a dangerous threat to businesses. Recent schemes have become sophisticated and can make it past your company’s email filters straight to an employee's inbox, making it harder for employees to detect and report them.


Weak Passwords

Even if you use VPNs, firewalls, or other cybersecurity software to protect your remote network, your company’s data could still be at risk if your employees use weak passwords. Hackers are coming up with new ways every day to get past sophisticated security software and crack passwords. These include deciphering code patterns, compiling a list of commonly used passwords, or exploiting employees’ use of repeat passwords across personal and business accounts.


Unencrypted File Sharing

Employees share a lot of data with each other, some of which could be sensitive. If this data isn't encrypted, hackers can easily intercept it, leading to identity fraud, ransomware attacks, theft, and more.


Insecure Home/Location Wi-Fi

You might have secured data on your employees’ laptops, but their home or other Wi-Fi networks remain exposed with unpatched security gaps, becoming potential sources for data leaks. Most of these networks’ routers aren’t equipped with firewalls.


Personal Devices

When employees work remotely, they can sometimes conduct business on their personal devices, such as accessing emails on smartphones or home printers. These devices can pose significant cybersecurity risks. Some businesses also allow employees to work on their personal devices, which leaves the company data at further risk.

Secure Remote Working Best Practices

A robust remote security policy is critical to daily operations and network resilience. There are a lot of strategies you can implement to protect your critical data.

  1. Train and educate employees to detect and avoid phishing emails and build and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training program.

  2. Implementing strong password policies by eliminating passphrases or repeat passwords.

  3. Use email encryption platforms to secure email and voicemail data, attachments, and contact lists; leverage secure, end-to-end encrypted file-sharing platforms, such as Dropbox and OneDrive.

  4. Ask employees to periodically update their home router's software when updates are available to patch security gaps; implement firewall protection for remote employees who work on sensitive data, to better secure their home Wi-Fi.

  5. Make it mandatory for remote employees to enable encryption features on their Android and iPhones device settings to safeguard data.

  6. Consider Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) to transform a personal device such as a laptop or tablet into a work desktop so employees can access all the applications and files securely on your network.

  7. Run software updates regularly.

Secure Remote Working Services from Trianz

Our secure remote working solutions keep your employees safe and connected. We can help deliver every aspect of transformative workplace solutions, with best-in-class transition speeds.

Remote Workplace Security Services

Our core capabilities include:


Virtual Workspace Solutions

We build and operate corporate-wide virtual desktops via virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) platforms while empowering your IT teams to enable your remote employees to connect securely to virtual workspaces.


Remote Connectivity Management

Using encrypted and tunnelled VPN (Virtual Private Network) solutions, we ensure the security of the sensitive traffic between remote users and your internal systems through end-to-end encryption (E2EE).


Endpoint Security Solutions

Our endpoint security solutions enforce security policies on end-user devices to avoid the leak or loss of critical, sensitive corporate or client data.


OS and Application Patching Services

Airtight security requires the rapid and large-scale patching of remote applications and devices and prompt removal of EOL (End-of-Life) software from endpoints. Our frequent security patch rollouts protect your corporate data, both in transit and at rest.


Self-Service for the Virtual Workplace

Your IT department is typically located in the office, but this support channel is limited when people are working from home. By implementing self-service portals containing technical documentation, we help you offer system and application guidance to employees.


Effectiveness and Security Tracking of Remote Workforce

We offer reporting on users and usage patterns to ensure your employees meet expectations, track log-in and log-off metrics to ensure work attendance, and application-specific uptimes per user session to help maintain productivity.



We collaborate with a global network of market leaders and innovators to offer you tailored and best-in-class solutions for your specific business needs.


  • Servicenow

Endpoint Management and Security

  • Microsoft

Monitoring and AIOps

  • Servicenow

Amp Up Your Cybersecurity with Secure Remote Working Solutions

From mid-sized enterprises to the Fortune 100, each company must have secure remote working capabilities in all phases of their infrastructure management. Companies need to have a suitable workplace strategy and architecture to assess, prioritize, architect, and prioritize evolution to a secure workplace.

With the right remote working strategies, tools, technologies, and a managed service partner, we can help you can navigate away from the stormy waters of cyber risk.

Experience the Trianz Difference

Trianz enables digital transformations through effective strategies and excellence in execution. Collaborating with business and technology leaders, we help formulate and execute operational strategies to achieve intended business outcomes by bringing the best of consulting, technology, and execution models.

Powered by knowledge, research, and perspectives, we enable clients to transform their business ecosystems and achieve superior performance by leveraging infrastructure, cloud, analytics, digital, and security paradigms. Reach out to get in touch or learn more.

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