Avrio Quick Start Guide

Avrio is a data mesh solution that enables the development of a true data-driven community by enabling users to easily create, maintain, and share data. Avrio is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace in the form of a pay-as-you-go subscription.

Avrio provides an easy subscription aimed at organizations to get started quickly and can be deployed as an Elastic Container Services (ECS)

This quick start guide will give you an overview of how to quickly get started with Avrio on AWS.


  • AWS Account with Private/Public certificate enrolled/issued in AWS Certificate Manager

  • AWS Cognito

  • AWS Athena - default profile needs to be created

  • S3 bucket where you are storing the data to process via Glue and QuickSight

  • Access to QuickSight for the S3 bucket using IAM role

  • Route53 Internal Zone created for the domain name you are targeting to create

Please hide sensitive information from the images before use for the client demo or documentation in other places. Consider sensitive information like,

  • ARN of any resources

  • Account No

  • URL of application

  • Application Credentials

  • Account Credentials

Step 1 - Subscribe to Your Avrio Product in AWS Marketplace

Click on the Subscribe button will land you in AWS CloudFormation Template

Step 2 – Enter the details in creation of Avrio Stack

  • Stack Name

  • Provide short and descriptive CloudFormation Stack Name. This name will be an identifier of your main and nested stacks

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Network Configuration

  • Stack Type

  • Select the stack type you want to create. If you choose External then main load balancer will be exposed to internet on public subnets and if you choose Internal then main load balancer will be deployed in internal-mode on private subnets.

  • VpcCIDR

  • CIDR for the VPC

  • PublicSubnetZoneACIDR

  • CIDR for public subnet zone A

  • PublicSubnetZoneBCIDR

  • CIDR for public subnet zone B

  • PrivateSubnetZoneACIDR

  • CIDR for private subnet zone A

  • PrivateSubnetZoneBCIDR

  • CIDR for private subnet zone B

  • DomainCertificateARN

  • ARN of the certificate to bind it with ALB. This certificate should cover the domain name which you are going to provide for the application access.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Amazon RDS PostgreSQL DB Configuration

  • RdsStorageVolume

  • Provide the size of storage according to forecasting of application usage

  • DBInstanceType

  • Provide the type of instance type to use in DB according to forecasting the load on application DB

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Tagging Configuration

  • EnvironmentType

  • Provide short name of your environment without space and special characters i.e. dev,prod,stage,testing,demo, etc.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • DNS Configuration

  • InternalHostedZoneID

  • Provide ID of internal hosted zone created in R53. Internal records will be created here to allow application to access services internally.

  • DomainName

  • Provide name of application domain which you want to use to access the application in browser i.e. myapplicaiton.mydomain.com

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • QuickSight Configuration

  • QuickSightRegion

  • Select the region where QuickSight is configured in your AWS account.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Select the Security & Permission in QuickSight configured in your AWS account for utilizing your data products of Avrio

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Select the default IAM role and resources which it is required to access.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Select the buckets which QuickSight has to access.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

Step 3 : Verify the Resources Deployed/Created

Please refer to the below platform architecture and verify the resources created which are listed.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • A new VPC with 2 public and 2 private subnets

  • Internet Gateway and 1 NAT Gateway and route tables associated with public and private subnets

  • 1 Public IP attached with NAT Gateway

  • DNS entries in private hosted zone. 1 for RDS, 1 for internal ALB and 1 for External/Internal main ALB

  • RDS instance with Multi AZ configuration, encryption at rest using CMK generated by CFT

  • CloudWatch log group for each service deployed in ECS. Total 8 services will be deployed.

  • ECS cluster with services and task definitions, all services will be deployed in private subnets

  • Secrets in secret manager to be used by application

  • VPC Endpoints for S3, Secrets Manager, Athena, Glue and CloudWatch

  • 2 ALBs will be deployed as a part of CFT deployment. 1 is Main ALB which needs to be pointed to external DNS to access application in browser and another ALB is for internal service communication.

  • AWS Cognito user pool will be created as a part of application deployment

  • SNS Subscriptions will be created as a part of application deployment

  • S3 buckets will be created as a part of application deployment

  • Several lambda functions will be created to support application deployment

  • IAM role will be created to be associated with application deployment to support Lambda functions

Step 4 : Create a Domain name for the Application

  • Create DNS record for the main load balancer which you will access from browser with the associated domain name.

  • Find the stack - -ECSClusterStack-

  • Go to Resources tab

  • Find resource called - MainLoadBalancer

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Click on the resource ARN and it will open new tab/page which will redirect you to the Load Balancer resource

  • Copy the DNS name from the Load Balancer resource

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Create DNS record same as you provided in DomainName block while creating the stack. It should be Alias (A) record if you are using the same account for Route53 pointing to Application Load Balancer in region where stack is deployed or it will be CNAME record pointing to the DNS Name of the Main ALB which is created in stack if you are using other account or any other DNS hosting provider i.e. GoDaddy

Step 5 : Launch the Application

  • Once done, you can access the URL after the DNS propagation.

  • For example: https://myapplication.mydomain.com

  • You can find the Admin credentials in the secrets manager of the same account where stack has been deployed.

  • It will look like this. Follow naming convention.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • Open it and click on Retrieve Secret Value

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • It will show the admin credentials which you can use to login into the application. It is mandatory to change the credential after first login.

Extrica Quick Start Guide

  • After retrieval of Username and Password, Launch the Avrio Application with the generated URL

  • For example: https://myapplication.mydomain.com

  • Successful Login will land you the main admin screen of the application.

Further Steps

Once you are all set to start building your data mesh solution on Avrio, we recommend that you check out all the available information:

  • Add Different User Personas

  • Add Data Sources


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