Client Overview

A global medical technologies and services conglomerate that spearheaded a paradigm shift in healthcare solutions, revolutionizing patient care through the development of cutting-edge technologies and fostering strategic partnerships with industry leaders. The client delivers advanced, patient-centric solutions that address the evolving needs of the healthcare sector, ensuring improved outcomes and enhanced efficiency in medical practices worldwide.

Business Challenge

Facing a divestiture, the Client needed to establish a distinct IT infrastructure swiftly. The objective was to significantly scale migration activities, expedite the divestiture process, and develop a future-state model for managing cloud and infrastructure operations. This involved migrating from the parent company to the Client's AWS and Azure tenants within a stringent TSA timeline to avoid penalties.

Trianz Solution Approach

Trianz conducted a thorough planning and discovery phase, which covered move groups, wave plans, target state design, and target landing zone deployment. Trianz also developed comprehensive application discovery and assessment reports, which captured and analyzed metrics for resource utilization, application dependencies, and performance metrics. This helped Trianz to gain a clear understanding of the Client's IT infrastructure, map out the interdependencies among the applications and servers, and plan the migration waves based on the business importance and difficulty of the workloads.

Trianz monitored the performance of the servers and virtual machines to determine the exact amount of cloud resources required, and to provide the appropriate infrastructure sizing and migration strategy recommendations. Trianz used its proprietary Concierto cloud platform to automate the data collection and analysis process, and to offer insights into the resource utilization, capacity planning, and cost optimization of the cloud infrastructure. Concierto also assisted in identifying the best cloud services and configurations for each workload based on the performance needs and best practices.

Trianz delivered a Concierto Migrate Assessment Report, which provided cost estimates for running workloads on AWS environments and recommended a Rehost and Re-platform migration strategy based on the evaluation of the workloads. Rehosting involved moving the servers and virtual machines to the AWS cloud without any significant changes, while Re-platforming involved adapting the applications to leverage the native cloud services and features. Trianz also assessed the feasibility and advantages of using AWS services such as AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Server Migration Service, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS CloudEndure to streamline the migration process.

Based on the application-level R-strategy recommendations, Trianz performed workload migrations from the on-premises environment to the AWS cloud and Azure to AWS cloud, using Concierto's powerful hyper-automation capabilities. Trianz employed Concierto Migrate to orchestrate the migration workflows, automate the migration tasks, and monitor the migration progress and status. Concierto Migrate also ensured the data quality, security, and compliance of the migrated workloads, and conducted post-migration validation and testing to confirm the functionality and performance of the applications on the AWS cloud.

Technology Components

TCO Analysis was performed by considering the following attributes:

  • EC2 Instances for Apps and DB Servers

  • EBS Storage

  • AWS CloudWatch

  • EFS Storage for File Servers

  • Foundational Services (AWS VPC, ALB, Security Hub, CloudTrail, KMS, AWS Config)

The Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) estimate for migrating servers to the AWS Cloud was calculated. This ARR is based on a one-to-one or AWS equivalent mapping of on-premises servers to EC2 Instances.

As part of the final estimate summary, we have projected the monthly cost and total cost for 12 months.

Transformational Outcomes

By migrating workloads from on-premises and Azure to AWS cloud, the client achieved a 40% cost reduction and 50% faster migration of ~4,000 workloads with the help of Trianz. The client also automated server provisioning with pre-installed software, which reduced new customer onboarding time by approximately 75%. Additionally, the client achieved a 15% reduction in TCO by optimizing their cloud architecture and operations.


As a leading provider of cloud transformation services, Trianz played a vital role in the client's successful transition to AWS cloud. Trianz leveraged its expertise and experience in cloud assessment, migration, optimization, and management to deliver a robust and scalable solution that met the client's business objectives and technical requirements. Using its proprietary Concierto.Cloud platform, Trianz enabled the client to accelerate and simplify the migration process, automate cloud operations, enforce security and compliance policies, and monitor and optimize cloud performance and costs. By partnering with Trianz and using Concierto.Cloud, the client was able to transform their IT infrastructure and achieve significant business benefits.

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