Migration and modernization of Business SMS solution Platform


A dedicated Telecom provider dedicated to extraordinary customer service, with branch locations in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Business Challenge

  • Ensuring scalability to handle growing user base and message volume effectively.
  • Maintaining reliability by minimizing message failures and ensuring consistent delivery.
  • Optimizing performance to deliver SMS messages with low latency and efficient queue handling.
  • Controlling operational costs by reducing retries, optimizing resource usage, and managing infrastructure expenses.


  • Migrated on-prem customers to AWS EC2 using Python/Perl scripts, moving data from Cassandra DB to Aurora DB.
  • Enabled secure authentication and data storage using AWS Cognito and encryption logic.
  • Achieved scalability through AWS Auto Scaling to handle growing traffic and demand.
  • Utilized SMPP protocol for efficient message delivery.
  • Implemented AWS IAM roles and policies with least privilege principles for controlled access.
  • Secured the environment with AWS Network ACLs and Security Groups to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Applied data encryption best practices (SSE-S3) and used AWS KMS to manage encryption keys.
  • Enforced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for secure access, especially for administrative tasks.
  • Set up custom CloudWatch metrics to monitor data ingestion, job progress, and performance.
  • Documented operational tasks and troubleshooting steps in production runbooks shared with the monitoring team.

Technology Components

Transformational Effects

  • Cut operational costs by 40% with AWS Lambda for serverless processing.
  • Improved performance by migrating data to Amazon Aurora.
  • Automated infrastructure deployment with AWS CodePipeline and Terraform.
  • Secured user authentication with Amazon Cognito for scalable access management.

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