IT Agility and Optimization Through the Evolution
As digitalization accelerates onward, infrastructure becomes a dynamic, complex, and critical part of the transformation game. There are three important facets of infrastructure management to consider during this digital shift.
First, the sheer volume and scope of change in applications and data landscapes create new demands of scale and management. Second, migrations to the cloud – which in reality will take several years for large organizations – create a need to manage both cloud and on-prem environments. And finally, the way infrastructure itself is managed is changing with the availability of new tools, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Above all, there is the need for agility and cost optimization even as infrastructure management evolves.
Benefits of cloud at scale: While companies in most industries are still figuring out their cloud strategy, high tech is seeing massive reduction in Infrastructure costs and acceleration of solution delivery due to its enterprise-wide adoption of cloud.
Over the next several years, infrastructure will modernize and migrate to the cloud. We can help you evolve while managing the transition well.
Cloud Migrations: We Will Live in Hybrid Environments for a While
While storage and compute can largely be migrated independently, the migration of platforms and the remainder of infrastructure will not happen until the business and data applications they host are also migrated. This is a complex and capital-intensive task. It is not just technical in nature; it also involves change to applications and underlying organizations.
2 Yr. Infra Investments of Digital Champions: Options being Considered
Over the next five to seven years, we will see the evolution of hybrid environments and, consequently, IT operations teams will need to excel at ‘doing both’. They must manage traditional and cloud infrastructure simultaneously to deliver uninterrupted business services, agility, and continuous cost improvement.
Across the globe, only 7% of companies are ‘digital champions,’ as we call them, meaning they’ve been successful in their digital transformations. Trianz brings a data-driven approach that references the strategies, best practices, techniques, and technologies of the most successful infrastructure management organizations who have migrated to the cloud.